{ "Abre la APP que descargaste, pulsa en el botón + y eliges el metodo manual": "Open the APP you downloaded, click on the + button and choose the manual method.", "Al cambiar de dispositivo autenticador, se perderá la validez del dispositivo actual.": "When you change the authenticating device, the validity of the current device will be lost.", "Al presionar el botón": "By pressing the", "Busca": "Search for", "Cambiar dispositivo": "Switch device", "Cancelar": "Cancel", "Cargando": "Loading", "Continuar a MIFIEL": "Continuar a MIFIEL", "Copias el código de arriba y lo guardas con el nombre que desees": "You copy the code above and save it with the name you want.", "Debe especificar motivo de rechazo": "You must specify the reason of the rejection", "Debe esperar para validar nuevamente el código SMS ingresado": "You must wait to validate the entered SMS code again", "Debe esperar para validar nuevamente el código de Google Authenticator": "You must wait to validate the Google Authenticator code again", "Debe esperar para volver a reenviar el mensaje de código de SMS": "You must wait to resend the SMS code message", "Debe esperar para volver a validar su RUT y Número de Serie de la Cédula": "You must wait to re-validate your RUT and ID Serial Number", "Descarga la APP autenticadora": "Download the authenticator APP", "Descarga la aplicación": "Download the app", "El administrador de sistemas debe habilitar la opción de reasignación de responsabilidad.": "The system admin must enable the responsability reassignment option.", "El código ingresado es inválido. Por favor, reingresa el código o envía uno nuevo a tu teléfono móvil": "The code entered is invalid. Please enter the code or send a new one to your mobile phone", "El formato de": "The", "El número de documento no es válido": "The document number is not valid", "El servicio de validación de identidad presenta intermitencias en su respuesta. Por favor, espere unos minutos para reintentar el proceso. Si el error persiste, contacte al equipo de Soporte.": "The identity validation service has interruptions in its response. Please wait a few minutes to retry the process. If the error persists, contact the Support team.", "Es el número identificatorio único e irrepetible de 9 dígitos": "The unique and unrepeatable 9-digit identification number present in your ID document. (Example: 11.222.333-4)", "Escanea el código QR a continuación en la APP": "Scan the next QR code on the APP", "Firma Electronica": "Electronic Signature", "Firma Electronica Webdox": "Webdox Electronic Signature", "Firma electronica": "Electronic signature", "Firmado": "Signed", "Firmantes": "Signers", "Firmar": "Sign", "Firmar Documento": "Sign Document", "Hemos enviado vía SMS al": "We have sent via SMS to", "Hubo un error al reenviar el código de verificación, por favor intente nuevamente.": "There was an error resending the verification code, please try again.", "Incorpora tu firma": "Incorporate your signature", "Incorpora tu firma manuscrita": "Incorporate your drawn signature", "Ingresa a Google Authenticator o Authy y escribe el código generado por la aplicación.": "", "Ingresa el código de autenticación": "Enter the authentication code", "Ingresa tu": "Enter your", "Ingresa tu RUN y el número de documento disponible en tu cédula de identidad vigente para firmar electrónicamente el documento.": "Enter your ID and the document number available in your current identity card to electronically sign the document.", "Introduce el código de autenticación": "Enter the authentication code", "Introduce el código de verificación": "Enter the verification code", "Lo sentimos. Hubo un error al cargar los documentos, por favor recarga la página.": "Sorry. There was an error loading the documents, please reload the page.", "Motivo de rechazo": "Rejection reason", "No": "No", "Nombre": "Name", "Número de cédula": "ID number", "Número de cédula de identidad o NIT": "Identity card number or NIT", "Número de documento": "Document Number", "Número de documento de identidad": "Identification number", "Número de documento nacional de identidad o RUC": "National identity document number or RUC", "Para completar el proceso de firma con MIFIEL debes contar con el acceso a tu certificado y clave privada": "To complete the signature process with MIFIEL you must have access to your certificate and private password.", "Para descargar": "To Download", "Paso": "Step", "Pendiente": "Pending", "Políticas de privacidad": "Privacy Policies", "RUN": "ID", "Rechazado": "Rejected", "Rechazar": "Reject", "Recibirás un correo electrónico con los documentos firmados una vez que todos los firmantes hayan firmado.": "You will receive an email with the signed documents once all signers have signed.", "Reenviar código": "Resend code", "Resumen": "Summary", "Revisa y firma los documentos": "Review and sign the documents:", "Se ha reenviado con éxito el código de verificación.": "The verification code has been successfully resent.", "Selecciona el tipo de firma electronica a utilizar": "Selecciona el tipo de firma electrónica a utilizar.", "Selecciona el tipo de firma electrónica a utilizar.": "", "Si el problema persiste contactanos en firma@webdox.cl.": "If the problem persists contact us at firma@webdox.cl.", "Siguiente Paso": "Next Step", "Sí": "Yes", "Tu firma electrónica fue registrada con éxito.": "Tu firma electrónica fue registrada con éxito.", "Términos y Condiciones": "Terms and condicitons", "Valida tu identidad": "Validate your identity", "Ve a la tienda de aplicaciones de tu teléfono": "Go to your phone's app store", "Versión BETA": "BETA version", "canceledSignature": { "subtitle": "The signing process has been canceled and is no longer available. \\nPlease contact the person in charge of the signing process.", "title": "This signature process is cancelled." }, "declaras no estar de acuerdo con el contenido de los documentos": "button you declare that you do not agree with the content of the documents.", "declaras tener conocimiento del contenido de los documentos y de tus obligaciones": "button you declare to have knowledge of the content of the documents and your obligations.", "documento": "document", "documentos": "documents", "documentsPanel": { "title_one": "Document", "title_other": "Documents" }, "envelopeCancelledModal": { "buttonText": "Exit process", "description": "An administrator has canceled the signing process, you´ll receive an email for more details" }, "envelopeSocketsEvents": { "signatureRejection": { "toast": { "body": "Another signer rejected to sign the document, you'll receive an email for further details.", "title": "Canceled ceremony" } } }, "errorBoundary": { "buttonText": "Go to Webdox", "description": "For more information, contact the Webdox support team.", "title": "An unexpected error occurred" }, "expirationAlert": { "body": "We have detected inactivity, for security we will close this session and you will have to start the process again.", "title": "The signing process will close in {{seconds}} seconds" }, "expiredSignature": { "subtitle": "The signing process you are consulting has passed the deadline to be signed. \\nContact the person who sent you the email to restart the signing process.", "title": "This signing process is expired" }, "general": { "error": "Error" }, "headerSubtitle": { "secondarySubtitle": "By {{name}}", "subtitle": "By {{responsible}} from {{customer}}" }, "identityValidationModal": { "byId": { "fieldLabel": "Identity document number", "legend": { "observer": "Hello! This is a signature process with access validation. To access the documents, please enter the identity document number of the signatory of which you are a witness.", "signer": "Hello! This is a signature process with access validation. To access the documents, please type your identity document." } }, "byName": { "fieldLabel": "Full name", "legend": { "observer": "Hello! This is a signature process with access validation. To access the documents, please write the Name and Surname of the signatory of which you are a witness.", "signer": "Hello! This is a signature process with access validation. To access the documents, please write your first and last name." } }, "checkbox": "I have read and accept the {{privacyPolicy}}", "formError": { "405": "Invalid identifier" }, "privacyPolicy": "Privacy Policy", "privacyPolicyLink": "https:\/\/www.webdoxclm.com\/en\/privacy-policy-webdox-portal", "submitButton": "Check document" }, "mainFooter": { "customerLegend": "{{customer}} uses technology of", "defaultLegend": "You are signing thanks to technology of" }, "mainHeader": { "primaryActions": { "rejectButton": "Reject", "signButton_one": "Sign ({{count}}) Document", "signButton_other": "Sign ({{count}}) Documents" } }, "messagesModal": { "primaryButton": "Enter the signing process", "privateMessageTitle": "Private message", "publicMessageTitle": "Message to all signatories" }, "messagesPanel": { "generalMessage": "General message", "privateMessage": "Private message" }, "mfa": { "topt": { "authy": "Authy", "googleAuth": "Google Authenticator" } }, "mobileDocumentsDrawer": { "title_one": "{{count}} Document in this signing process", "title_other": "{{count}} Documents in this signing process" }, "mobileHeader": { "mainActions": { "documentsButton_one": "{{currentCount}} of {{count}} Document", "documentsButton_other": "{{currentCount}} of {{count}} Documents", "signersButton_one": "{{count}} Signer", "signersButton_other": "{{count}} Signers" }, "title_one": "{{count}} Document to review and sign", "title_other": "{{count}} Documents to review and sign" }, "mobileMenuDrawer": { "actions": { "download": "Download document", "messages": "View messages", "title": "Actions" }, "footer": { "customerLegend": "{{customer}} uses technology of", "defaultLegend": "You are signing thanks to technology of" }, "showAllSigners": "Show all signers", "showLessSigners": "Show less signers", "signers": { "title_one": "Signer", "title_other": "Signers" } }, "mobileMessagesDrawer": { "title": "Messages from this signing process" }, "no es válido": "format is not valid", "o": "or", "para firmar electrónicamente el documento": "to electronically sign the document", "signatureRejectModal": { "content": "Once this action has been carried out, it cannot be modified.", "form": { "cancelButton": "Cancel", "rejectButton": "Reject signing process", "rejectLabel": "What is the reason for rejection?", "rejectPlaceholder": "Write the reason here...", "rejectTooltip": "The rejection reason must have at least 10 characters and a maximum of 250." }, "title": "Reject Electronic signature", "titleLabel": "Electronic signature" }, "signatureSteps": { "identityValidation": { "cancelButton": "Cancel", "description": { "default": "Enter your {{dni}} to electronically sign the document", "withDocumentNumber": "Enter your {{dni}} and the document number available on your current identity card to electronically sign the document" }, "dni": { "error": "The format of {{dni}} is not valid", "label": { "CHL": "RUT", "COL": "National Identification Number", "ECU": "National Identification Number", "MEX": "RFC (Taxpayer Registry)", "PER": "National Identity Document Number" }, "tooltip": { "CHL": "It is the unique and unrepeatable identification number of 9 digits (Example: 11.222.333-4) found on the identification document.", "COL": "Identification Card Number or NIT (Tax Identification Number)", "PER": "National Identity Document Number or RUC (Unique Taxpayer Registry)" } }, "documentNumber": { "error": "The document number is not valid", "label": "Document Number" }, "expeditionDate": { "error": "The expedition date is not valid", "label": "Expedition Date" }, "infoAlert": { "CHL": "We remind you that to successfully sign<\/B> this document, your identity card must be valid<\/B>" }, "nextStepButton": "Next Step", "title": "Validate Identity" }, "mfaValidation": { "cancelButton": "Cancel", "codeInputLabel": "Temporary Code", "errorSendCode": "There was an error sending the verification code. Please try again.", "errorValidation": "The entered code is invalid. Please re-enter the code or request a new one to be sent to your mobile phone.", "forwardedCodeMessage": "The verification code has been successfully sent.", "nextStepButton": "Next Step", "registerForm": { "description": "This process requires you to download or use the {{googleAuth}} or {{authy}} app.", "desktopStepsList": { "stepsList": [ "If you don't have the app, go to the app store and download \"Google Authenticator\" or \"Authy.\"", "With either of these apps, scan this QR code.", "In your app, you will see a 6-digit code; enter it below." ] }, "mobileStepsList": { "copyToClipboardMessage": { "body": "Copied!", "title": "Authentication Code" }, "stepsList": [ "If you don't have the app, go to the app store and download \"Google Authenticator\" or \"Authy.\"", "With the app open, tap the \"+\" button and choose the manual method.", "Copy the code above and save it with any name you prefer.", "In your app, you will see a 6-digit code; enter it below." ], "title": "Open Google Authenticator or Authy, tap \"+\", and manually enter this key to get your unique 6-digit code.", "toggleButtonText": "Don't have Google Authenticator or Authy?" }, "stepsList": { "title": "Follow these steps:" }, "title": "Security Validation" }, "sendedCodeMessage": "The verification code has been successfully sent.", "sms": { "changeCodeButton": "Resend Code", "errorLimitRequestSendCode": "You must wait to resend the SMS code message.", "errorLimitRequestValidation": "You must wait to validate the entered SMS code again.", "verifierForm": { "description": "A 6-digit code has been sent to the mobile number {{phoneNumber}} registered in the document.", "title": "Verification Code" } }, "totp": { "changeCodeButton": "Change Device", "errorLimitRequestSendCode": "You must wait to change the device.", "errorLimitRequestValidation": "You must wait to validate the Google Authenticator code again.", "verifierForm": { "description": "Open Google Authenticator or Authy and enter the code generated by the application.", "title": "Authentication Code" } } }, "stepLabel": "Step {{step}}" }, "signatureSummary": { "title": "Summary for signature" }, "signerStatus": { "deleted": "Deleted", "pending": "Pending", "rejected": "Rejected", "signed": "Signed" }, "signersPanel": { "title_one": "Signer", "title_other": "Signers" }, "successfulReject": { "footer": "This signing process was carried out thanks to {{webdox}} technology", "private": { "subtitle": "The documents will not be available, for more information please contact the administrator of the signing process.", "title": "You successfully rejected the signing process", "titleWidthCustomer": "You successfully rejected the signing process with {{customer}}" }, "public": { "subtitle": "The documents are not available, for more information please contact the person in charge of the signing process.", "title": "This signing process is canceled" } }, "successfulSigned": { "footer": "You just signed thanks to {{webdox}} technology", "iframeUrl": "https:\/\/www.webdoxclm.com\/en\/experiencia-post-firma-electronica", "private": { "subtitle": "We will send you an email with the PDF once all the participants have signed.", "title": "{{name}}! you successfully signed your document", "titleWithCustomer": "{{name}}! you successfully signed your document with {{customer}}" }, "public": { "subtitle": "When all signatories have completed the signing process, you will receive a copy of the signed document via email.", "title": "This signing process was successfully signed and it is not available" } }, "successfulSignedBanner": { "buttonText": "Know more", "link": "https:\/\/www.webdoxclm.com\/en\/", "subtitle": "Learn and test how to do it with Webdox CLM", "title": "Do you want to save up to 90% of the time in the signature processes and close your deals faster?" }, "termsAcceptance": { "checkbox": "I have read and accept the {{terms}}", "legend": { "customer": "Hello! you are in a signing process with {{customer}}, to move forward read and accept the Privacy Policy.", "default": "Hello! you are in a signing process, to move forward read and accept the Privacy Policy." }, "marketingConsent": "I authorize the use of my data to receive information about products and services that may be of interest to me", "privacyPolicy": "Privacy policy", "submitButton": "Check document", "terms": "privacy policy and use of electronic signatures", "termsLink": "https:\/\/www.webdoxclm.com\/en\/privacy-policy-webdox-portal" }, "un código de 6 dígitos para activar el múltiple factor de autenticación": "a 6-digit code to activate the multi factor authentication method", "voidedSignature": { "subtitle": "The link you are trying to access has been voided and is no longer available. \\nYou can find a new link in an email in your inbox.", "title": "This link has been renewed" }, "y el número de documento disponible en tu cédula de identidad vigente": "and the document number available in your valid identity card", "¿Desea cancelar el proceso de firma? Si lo reanuda posteriormente, deberá realizar todo el proceso desde el inicio": "Do you want to cancel the signing process? If you resume it later, you will need to perform the entire process from the start" }